
Diet for belly fat loss in 1 month

Diet for belly fat loss in 1 month : How to Get a Flat Belly By Summer Do Some Flat Planks Sleep 7 to 8 Hours Try Flutter Kicks And Criss Crosses Drink Water Before Each Meal Toss Some Berries And Nuts Into Your Oats Pair Split Lunges With Bicep Curls Cut Your Sugar Intake And Increase The Amount Of Fiber You Eat Make Hummus Your Go-To Dip Experiment With Varied Cardio Stay Away From Stress Eat Eggs Instead Of Cereal Work A Medicine Ball Into Your Gym Routine Be Mindful Choose Greek Yogurt Over Regular Yogurt Build More Muscle Via Strength Training Know Your Go-To Foods Embrace Meatless Monday Try High-Intensity Interval Training Ditch Artificial Sweeteners Add Apple Cider Vinegar To Salad Dressings Ditch The Refined Grains Add Some Almonds To Your Salad Do Squats With A Bicycle Crunch Let Your Healthy Belly Bacteria Thrive Add Beans To Your Meals Snack Smart Use Avocado Instead Of Mayo On A Sandwich

The popular steroid 'Dexa Methasone' has been shown to be effective in treating code 19

 LONDON: The  good news about the Corona epidemic is that common and low-cost steroids are not only effective against code 19 but can also save patients' lives.  That is why doctors have called it an important development. Announcing the results on Tuesday, experts said that some patients suffering from severe codeine 19 had experienced a decrease in inflammation and death when given a steroid called Dexamethasone experimentally. I also decreased.  Thus, this improvement has been observed in one third of the patients. "This means that people with corona virus who have gone on a ventilator, or are on oxygen, can take dexamethasone, and even then their lives can be saved on a very low-cost prescription," he said. The survey was supervised by Professor Martin Landrey of Oxford University.  The ongoing project to test various drugs against code 19 disease has been dubbed 'Rehabilitation' or 'Recovery'. Dr Martin said the drug was so cheap that it cost only 63

Antibiotics are ready to kill all kinds of bacteria | Health Oil

New Jersey / Karachi:   A team of scientists at Princeton University in the United States has developed a drug (antibiotic) that can act like a "molecular poison arrow" and kill any type of bacteria, no matter how severe. Why not What's even more interesting is that, unlike conventional antibiotics, microbes are not resistant to this drug. So far it has been tested on mice, but it could take at least eight years for it to become commercially available after human trials. Health Oil: The latest online publication of the research journal "Cell" details this important development, which shows that this drug works in a completely different way than normal antibiotics. It is made by modifying the molecules of SCH 79797, a compound that has been used in the medical industry for years, and is named "Irresistin-16". SCH 79797 is a toxic substance that is used for specific medical purposes only after taking special precautions. It is known that it c

Why do corona patients' sense of smell suffer?

Symptoms of the corona virus were first reported from Wuhan, then from Iran, and later from Italy, affecting the ability of people infected with the virus to smell. Scientists now claim to have discovered the underlying cause of the olfactory sensation in people infected with the corona virus. According to scientists, the most common cause of sniffing is usually caused by a viral infection, including a common cold or respiratory tract infection. But this ability to smell is affected by nasal congestion, so in these cases it happens that after the infection is over, the person's sense of smell also returns immediately. But according to scientists, if we talk about code-19, ie corona virus, the reason for affecting the sense of smell has been seen differently. Scientists say that many patients infected with the coronavirus suddenly lost their ability to smell and recovered within a week or two. Many patients infected with the virus said they did not h

The most sensitive blood test to identify many types of cancer

CAMBRIDGE:  A new and most sensitive blood test has been developed to identify cancer, developed by scientists at the University of Cambridge. Thanks to this, blood test can be done even by sitting at home with a needle. This test can also be used to find out if the cancer has resurfaced or re-attacked. The test finds out the personal genetic data of the patient's cancerous abscess. Based on this, thousands of different types of components can be tested for the release of cancerous tumors from DNA and floating in the blood. This technology is so sensitive that it can detect only one type of change in DNA. Scientists insist that this way anyone can be warned of the same cancer attack again. The study was conducted by Nizan Rosenfeld and colleagues at the Cambridge University Cancer Institute. Experts say that thanks to this, a (personalized) or personalized test can be made for each person to see what level of cancer is in the body or whether there are signs of its rec

OIC demands from India to end lockdown in Kashmir

ISLAMABAD:  The OIC Contact Group has called on the international community and India to ensure the implementation of UN resolutions and provision of human rights in occupied Kashmir and also demanded the release of all arrested Kashmiri people from India. According to a Foreign Office spokesperson, the OI Contact Group meeting supported the Kashmiris' struggle for independence. In the virtual meeting, I opposed the Indian occupation of occupied Kashmir. The meeting emphasized that the Kashmir issue is an important issue for the Muslim Ummah. The meeting rejected the new Indian domicile law in Occupied Kashmir and the participants expressed concern over Indian violations of the LoC. Participants urged India to give Kashmiris their right to self-determination. The liaison group meeting called on India to end human rights violations in occupied Kashmir, end the siege and lockdown of Kashmiris. According to the spokesperson, the meeting also demanded the release of all a

Helpful robotic clothing for stroke patients

TEXAS: Stroke and paralysis patients all over the world, including Pakistan, lose their limbs very fast. These include hand movements and grips, but even after rehabilitation and physiotherapy, the functions of the upper torso are not restored. Physiotherapists and other staff help restore the patient's arm and hand movements, and this is done so that the brain can 'recall' lost functions and the patient can return to normal. But this process takes a lot of patience and time. This requires a great deal of effort on the part of the patient himself. However, now the Harmony SHR robotic clothing can be very helpful in this situation. The entire robotic system was developed by Harmony Bionics, a firm based in Austin, Texas. External robotic structures or exoskeletons are used while the patient is sitting. In this condition it is gently attached to the top and bottom of the arm where the whole system handles the weight of the arm. In the next step, the robot's arms