Helpful robotic clothing for stroke patients


Stroke and paralysis patients all over the world, including Pakistan, lose their limbs very fast. These include hand movements and grips, but even after rehabilitation and physiotherapy, the functions of the upper torso are not restored.

Physiotherapists and other staff help restore the patient's arm and hand movements, and this is done so that the brain can 'recall' lost functions and the patient can return to normal. But this process takes a lot of patience and time. This requires a great deal of effort on the part of the patient himself.

However, now the Harmony SHR robotic clothing can be very helpful in this situation. The entire robotic system was developed by Harmony Bionics, a firm based in Austin, Texas. External robotic structures or exoskeletons are used while the patient is sitting. In this condition it is gently attached to the top and bottom of the arm where the whole system handles the weight of the arm. In the next step, the robot's arms move through instructions or programs already in place and try to remind the patient's nervous system of forgotten movements. At the same time, the arms keep the patient exercised.

Although one person can do these exercises, it is not possible to help dozens of patients throughout the day depending on their severity, and sometimes the doctor or physiotherapist himself gets tired. But the robot keeps repeating the same type of exercise to the patient without any difficulty. This helps a lot in the patient's skin rehabilitation and he quickly starts using his hands better.

This system can also be adapted to the physiotherapist's style, meaning that he adapts his movements to the patient's actual arm. Another important point is that there is an option to remove the bone after a shoulder injury or to reduce its mobility. In this way, it can slowly restore the shoulder.


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