The popular steroid 'Dexa Methasone' has been shown to be effective in treating code 19

 LONDON: The good news about the Corona epidemic is that common and low-cost steroids are not only effective against code 19 but can also save patients' lives. That is why doctors have called it an important development.

Announcing the results on Tuesday, experts said that some patients suffering from severe codeine 19 had experienced a decrease in inflammation and death when given a steroid called Dexamethasone experimentally. I also decreased. Thus, this improvement has been observed in one third of the patients.

"This means that people with corona virus who have gone on a ventilator, or are on oxygen, can take dexamethasone, and even then their lives can be saved on a very low-cost prescription," he said. The survey was supervised by Professor Martin Landrey of Oxford University. The ongoing project to test various drugs against code 19 disease has been dubbed 'Rehabilitation' or 'Recovery'.

Dr Martin said the drug was so cheap that it cost only 63 63 or Rs 8,000 and could treat eight patients. Peter Horby, another expert in the survey, said dexamethasone is the only drug that has shown significant effectiveness in preventing death, a significant milestone. It is an instantly available low cost drug that can be used to save lives all over the world.

It should be noted that since the onset of the Corona epidemic, more than 431,000 people have died worldwide and the number of patients has been steadily increasing.

In a project called Recovery, 2,100 patients were given dexamethasone and 4,300 patients were included for comparison. Studies have shown that one in eight patients on a ventilator can be brought back to life with this drug. On the other hand, one in 25 patients living on oxygen can be saved.

However, the drug did not show any benefit in patients who were not on ventilator or oxygen. But there is a clear difference between those who survive on vanity liters and oxygen. On the other hand, Code 19 expert Nick Chemical's steroid Dexa Methason at Wellcome Trust could be a ray of hope.


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